Monday, August 13, 2007

Free drinks for ladies with deez nuts.

And you thought 'Trespassers Will Be Prostetuted' was funny.

Found this on the corner bracket above the phone, which means I owe my father thanks for saving it from the indiscriminate maw of the rubbish bin.

Is it not brilliant and beautiful and life-affirming? Are you not suddenly eager to seek out this resort and spend all your hard-earned (or hard-wheedled) money on its various delectables?

This may be a good place to announce my Official Position on Engrish. I must respectfully disagree with everyone who has suggested that being a connoisseur of Engrish is a subtle or blatant form of racism, of making fun of those who do not know that hegemaniac tongue well enough to produce boringly correct slogans and signs. I love mistakes. I love the accidental misreading, the typo, the freudian slip. I love Engrish for what it finds in translation. I love its pokerfacedness, its spirit of joyful (in)appropriation*, its excesses and abscesses.

Viva la Engrish! Long may the Cuntry Club prosper as a haven for cunning linguists across the world.

* Ha! test-driving the jargon.

1 comment:

Sukhaloka said...

Shesh mesh "cuntry club"! What d'you make of "Mustered past"(Mustard paste, in case you didn't get it)? This gem is on a billboard right after Ruby hospital, towards Science City, on your left.