Saturday, October 08, 2005

My ears have always been into creative hearing.

When I was three I went to a place called Egg Cartons that turned out to have been Lake Gardens.

And right now I just misheard a song lyric as 'We were buried under cherry trees'. Still kinda romantic, but, eh, I guess I can live with the permanent earfungus colony. It amuses me, unlike a lot of people around me.

Must. Not. Get. Emo.


La Figlia Che Piange said...

Niice,I live in Egg Cartons,btw.You pwn us all,na?

fyn scarlet reed said...

one word: OMELETTES!

La Figlia Che Piange said...

LOL,that was QUICK.

fyn scarlet reed said...

this is about the time i sit around on my computer and play songs and bother people. *g*

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Oooh,what was that band again?Entschuldigungenmeinleiderkeinenhaus?

fyn scarlet reed said...

it's Einstuerzende Neubauten, but i rather like your little concoction :o

lead singer's picture on my first blog post, if you're curious.

Teleute said...

even though i know the correct lyrics now, i still mishear the line and i know when to pull you closer from Air Supply's making love out of nothing at all as i know when to pull your clothes off. beat that.

pogany said...
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