Monday, November 07, 2005

LOL I remembered my password!

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I won't be pedantic and say 'my favourite mezzosoprano!' The fact is, Cecilia Bartoli has long been one of my favourite voices. How much is this connected to my (scattered, shamefully poor) knowledge of opera? To be honest I haven't been keeping up with all the major mezzosopranos, so I don't know with any degree of objectivity who's who these days. In the past couple of years, for example, I've heard some Zajick. That's about it.
I was singing along with her on the Rossini, but after all these years I still haven't figured out whether I'm a contralto or a mezzosop. Or one of those pesky, delicate in-betweens.
Oh well, let's resort to cutting long stories short - all hail Cecilia Bartoli! I hope she forgives my confusing her last name with the olive oil manufacturer, although in my defence I was only nine at the time.


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Whoever told me today in class that they (not that person, the Powers That Be) are going to start airing 'Coupling' on the telly... will be murdered if I find out it's not true. Look at Jack! I mean, really, look at this bloke. The fact is that if I stare at his mug for too long it looks like an amalgamation of various other celebfaces. Mel Gibson, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Isaacs. The last two aren't unpleasant to be reminded of, of course. But!
Thankfully, if I stare for even longer it all goes away and leaves me with a merciful, artful and masterly (artly and masterful?) face that can barely hold itself together for all the British snarkiness. He needs to work more! More more more. Work is life, Jack my lad; besides, you can't seriously want to disappoint all your fangirls by hiding yourself away in those damned sitcoms.


rainbeau_peep said...

Uhm .. i don't mean to be frightfully offensive, but i looked closely, and i think Jack wears lipstick. :-|

fyn scarlet reed said...

Oh you didn't offend at all... I really don't think he is, but I certainly wouldn't mind if he did, if you take my meaning ;]

You like Sigur Ros! They're one of my favourite bands ever.