Monday, September 25, 2006

Project Objectify. Keepin' it light and oh-so-tight.

Look. I was gonna say stuff about, y'know, THE SPORT ITSELF, because even with my limited knowledge of skatesthetics/jargon I know Plushenko is hardcore brilliant. I was gonna try to pad and puff my post with absolutely scintillating trivia, such as the fact that, apart from being a superachieving ice star, he is also apparently in the Russian Army. I was gonna post pictures - naturally not the slightly scarring one where he's grinning at Vladimir Putin.

Then I thought, to hell with that shit! Ladies, laddies and all other gentlefolk of the world - I present Evgeni 'Sex Bomb' Plushenko.

Edit: barring the next Project Objectify post, all frothy frivolosity re footy will rest over at DLG.


roswitha said...

Oh, that there is such a man among men! Oh Yevgeny! Oh plush, encore!

Aishwarya said...


Szerelem said...

OMG....that is classic...*giggling maddly*