Wednesday, March 22, 2006

In case this has not been passed around many times already.

Take kep! - Geoffrey Chaucer hath a blog.
Includes the most creative Brokeback Mountain spoof in recent history. Or in all its brief history.

Taken out of its filmic context 'I wish I knew how to quit you' sounds rather less emotional. But what about: 'I WOLDE I KNEWE HOW OF THEE I MIGHT BE QUITTEN!'



roswitha said...

I love that blog, but I had no idea it was being updated regularly! Thanks for the heads-up.

Mont Dorse-quasse. Heh.

nihilistwaffles said...

And my life reads like that! if only I could manage to parley my phonetic/semantic transcribing-from-latin-to-english-and-back misery into a sardonic blog!!

fyn scarlet reed said...

Alluder: Child, I did not know you were so desirous of my wisdom. I shall summon my chariots posthaste.

Roswitha: Isn't it just the best.

N-waffles: There aren't enough pig-Latin blogs out there, you should go for it!